Oatley Station

Oatley Station

As part of Transport for New South Wales’ Oatley Station accessibility upgrade designed by Tonkin Zulaikha Greer Architects, a new curved steel truss bridge spans the railway corridor, reminiscent of the Sydney rail network’s 19th-century steel bridges.

Stair and lift elements, providing much needed equitable access to the platform, have been carefully stitched into the varying landscape conditions of Oatley Parade to the east and Mulga Road to the West.

These new structurally rigid and fire-resistant elements are made of horizontally ribbed precast concrete, echoing the historic horizontal timber boarded platform building and the coursed brickwork of the adjacent River Road rail bridge.

A minor scale of steel plates and flats form balustrades, along with roof canopies that embellish the simple forms, offering a human scale.

The safety screen to the bridge has botanic references laser cut into sheet aluminium, casting evocative foliage-like shadows, nostalgic of walking underneath the shadowy canopy of a forest, along the elevated walkway.

Project Details

Project Size – 1,350 m2
Completion Date – 2016

Project Team

Architecture and Heritage Consultants

Tonkin Zulaikha Greer Architects

Tonkin Zulaikha Greer has a special interest in public spaces, public buildings and “edge” architecture, often providing buildings with roles and uses outside their traditional functions.

The crossover between art and architecture is a springing point for a design philosophy, which takes each project as a new challenge, without reliance on established precedents.

Constant reinvention of their architecture brings a surprising diversity to their completed projects, with an on-going sense of exploration and discovery.

The work is consistently and thoughtfully grounded by appropriateness and sustainability.

The TZG team for this project included Tim Greer, Regina Meyer, Anton Van Den Berg, Julie Mackenzie, Roger O’Sullivan, Alison Osborne.


Detailed Design and Construction Documentation


DesignInc is an award-winning architectural and design practice with offices in Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney in Australia. Their multidisciplinary teams are united with a common vision to make a difference to the health and happiness of people’s lives through the quality of the environments they help create.


Landscape Architecture

Spackman Mossop Michaels

SMM is an award winning international office for urban strategy and landscape architecture.



GHD Group

GHD is a global professional services company that leads through engineering, construction, and architectural expertise.




Arenco employs more than 60 office and site personnel, and being a fully owned subsidiary of the Daracon Group, is able to offer services in terms of project scope and size that have the underpinning financial strength of Daracon.



Eric Sierens

Photo Gallery

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Design © 2021 Tonkin Zulaikha Greer Architects. All Rights Reserved.| Images © 2021 Eric Sierens. All Rights Reserved.

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